Flexible plans you've been looking for

Pay only for what you need or choose a forever-free plan

Free Plan
Freeno hidden fees
Start Using For Free
(you can upgrade anytime)
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Economy Class
29.99 $per month
Start Your Free Trial
(no credit card required)
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Business Class
69.99 $per month
Start Your Free Trial
(no credit card required)
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First Class
99.99$per month
Start Your Free Trial
(no credit card required)
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Is the free plan completly free ?

Yes. Our free plan is completly free for ever. We will show a couple of 5 sec advertisements which wont be annoying for your customers in order to cover our costs for the free version.

Can i upgrade to a payed or upper plans any time ?

Yes. You can upgrade your silicon menu plan to an upper plan any time you want. if you are in an anually paied plans you will be charged only for the difference considering the remained time of your current period.

Do you want a website with online ordering system ?

Our web designing experts will design a w bsite which meets your needs with the online ordering system enabled powered by SiliconMenu. You can choose from a predesigned website template or have your custom template designed. The dedicated website designing start from 599$ for one time payment including an one year free hosting and domain registration. for more information contact use or send as an inquiry.

Order Ready Pager

The order ready pager is a notification system based on sending SMS to your customers when their order is ready. For using this service you should charge your account according to the maximum number of SMS you may need to send. Click on sms price list to get more information about pricing details.

Distributable Mobile Application

We create Android and iOS application with your brand and you can submit your applications to google play store or apple app store. Please note that submiting your application to the stores may charge you additional cost that should be payed to those stores.

SiliconMenu QR Code Menu Ordering Solution
SiliconMenu QR Code Menu Ordering With Website Designing


Scan the code and see a demo version of what your client will see when they scan a unique QR code placed on your desks.

SiliconMenu Demo QR Code Menu


with the latest world class technology

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